Mental Health Resources and Strategies in Durham Region

Durham Down Syndrome Mental Health Resources and Strategies

24/7 Phone Lines Distress Centre Durham Help Line Phone: (905) 430-2522

This organization operates a 24/7 call centre for individuals in distress.

Durham Mental Health Services

Local Crisis Phone Line: (905) 666-0483

Toll Free Crisis Phone Line: 1 800 742 1890

This organization also offers a 24/7 phone help line for those in crisis. They also offer a number of different services such as Crisis Beds and Mental Health Safe Beds.

Strategies to improve your mental health while at home:

Keep Moving

There are many ways you can stay active (or get active) at this time. Walking, Running or Biking are just three ways you can keep your heart healthy and improve your mental health at this time.

Video Fitness

Many fitness studios are offering (sometimes free) zoom classes. Be sure to check out your fitness studio, yoga studio or gym to see what they are offering.

Set A Routine

Having a bedtime, a wake up time and a set schedule will help improve your mental health. This will help you feel like you are in control of the day.

To Do List

Plan on getting something(s) accomplished each and every day. Whether it is calling a few friends or doing 50 push-ups, ensure that each day has a goal!


Ensuring to connect socially is essential at this time. You can use Zoom to video conference friends and family (they offer free 40 minute video calls).

Start a Project

We all have things around the house that we have been meaning to get to. Now can be the time to pick up that book, clean the garage or start that new fitness routine!

Healthy Eating

Ensuring that you are following a healthy diet can be another helpful way to maintain health at this time. If you have only healthy foods in the house, it will be easier to eat healthy!

Justin Heenan, BA, B.Ed, MA, OCT, RP(Qualifying)

Teacher, Counsellor, Philanthropist

Family & Community Resource Coordinator at the Durham Down Syndrome Association