A guide to inclusive education for students with Down syndrome
“The Canadian Down Syndrome Society has put together this resource to assist educators and parents in their journey towards a fully inclusive classroom. If this is your first time working with a student with differing abilities, you are going to experience the satisfaction of teaching students with exceptionalities. If you have experience teaching a diverse group of students, this resource will offer tried and true practical tips and suggestions.”
The DDSA has over 100 copies of this great resource for both teachers and parents, created by the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, supported by the Durham Down Syndrome Association.
This resource is available to our members, with a limit of two copies per member, for themselves and to provide to their child’s educators. DDSA volunteers will mail or deliver the requested copies, at no cost, to current DDSA members.
For non-DDSA members who are interested in this resource, we ask a $5 donation be made to the DDSA to cover mailing/delivery costs.
Both English and French online versions can be found in our Resources-Education section
If you would like to receive a copy of this Educator Package, please email us at mastermail@ddsa.ca for more information.